Confirmation Procedures


We are establishing an office-wide policy to improve our efficiency and communication with the debtors’ bar.  There is a tendency to initiate contact with the chapter 13 office for an upcoming Court list on the afternoon of the day before the hearing. This puts a strain on our staff and reduces the likelihood of a prompt reply.

To encourage earlier communication, we are requesting that any contact made for a weekly list be initiated at least 48 (business) hours before the list’s date/time.

If we receive such a timely request, then we shall commit to replying no later than noon on the (business) day immediately before the hearing. If a timely request is made and we fail to reply as agreed, please bring to the Trustee’s attention.

If a timely request is not made, and you receive no reply from us, then you should appear at the hearing.


We are establishing an office-wide policy to improve our efficiency and communication with the debtors’ bar.  There is a tendency to initiate contact with the chapter 13 office for an upcoming Court list on the afternoon of the day before the hearing. This puts a strain on our staff and reduces the likelihood of a prompt reply.

To encourage earlier communication, we are requesting that any contact made for a weekly list be initiated at least 48 (business) hours before the list’s date/time.

If we receive such a timely request, then we shall commit to replying no later than noon on the (business) day immediately before the hearing. If a timely request is made and we fail to reply as agreed, please bring to the Trustee’s attention.

If a timely request is not made, and you receive no reply from us, then you should appear at the hearing.