There has been less than full compliance with the requirements of Local Rule 1007-4, as reproduced below (effective 12/01/17). This creates an unnecessary administrative burden on the chapter 13 office, and may prevent a thorough 341 meeting. Therefore, if there is a failure to comply with the rule by the originally scheduled 341 date, the meeting will not be held (unless and until there is compliance). Uploading pay advices to the chapter 13 office does not constitute compliance. Note also that under 11 U.S.C. §521(i)(1), the failure to comply within 45 days of the filing of the petition could result in an “automatic dismissal” of the case on the 46th day after the filing of the petition.
Local Rule 1007-4 Submission of Evidence of an Employer’s Payments Within 60 Days (Prepetition) of Filing the Petition
A debtor shall comply with §521(a)(1)(B)(iv) by filing with the court (1) the required payment advices (pay stubs), or (2) the documents available to the debtor accompanied by a statement that sets forth the reason why some payment documents have not been submitted and the debtor’s estimate of and other evidence, if any, of the payments received within the 60 day time period.
If the debtor does not have pay advices, please complete and file the attached form (PDF)
Pay Advices or a Certification of No Pay Advices
Should be filed when filing the original petition or
Within 14 days of the petition filing date
Thank you for your anticipated cooperation.